Maureen and Jeff
May 8th, 2004

Maureen and I were married on May 8th of 2004 in Mendon, Massachussets. We were fortunate enough to have many of our friends and family in attendance.

It was an outdoor ceremony under a pavilion beside the shore of Lake Nipmuc.

The music for the ceremony was performed by two folk singers, Lisa Housman and Dave Falk. They were the same folk singers who had performed at the coffee house where Maureen and I had our first date just over one year before our wedding. Having them perform at our wedding seemed to tie everything together. Dave and Lisa performed an original song that they had written especially for us.

Take a moment to have a look at their musical offerings at their website,
The Music of Dave Falk and Lisa Housman

Here is the song that they wrote and performed for us.
Wedding Song for Maureen and Jeff
(128 kbps mp3 - 2.4 MB file)