Drill field, Charlton
Ryder tavern
Iron trail
Path over Long Hill, Spencer
Four Chimneys Wildlife Management Area
Back into the woods following a long roadwalk
Tasty, psycotropic or deadly?
Tiny toad
Trail over hilltop field
Obstacle course
Burncoat pond, Spencer
Audubon memorial
Tree trumps road?
1 acre pond near Rt. 20, Spencer
Home sweet home
It's a dam trail
Fun fungi
Shelter near Moose Hill
Bridge over brook east of Buck Hill
Buck Hill shelter
Swamp South of Browning Pond
Browning Pond
Tree fungus
Sampson's Pebble, glacial erratic
Half done
Shelter near Long Pond
Gravel road walk
Dike #3, Barre Falls Dam area
Dismal "Blood Swamp"
Swamp skirting trail
Near Barre Falls Dam
Cemetary near dam
Bat houses
Rest stop near Barre Falls Dam
The dam control room